For more than 50 years, Kaitakudo Art Co.,Ltd. has been making Kakejiku (Hanging scrolls) in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, which has a long history supported by the blessings of nature and traditional techniques.
They created "Kakejiku art" , as part of the development of new Kakejiku that preserve and inherit tradition, nurture the skills of the creators, and blend in with modern life.
In 2018, Kaitakudo Art Co.,Ltd. started art event "Neo-Japonism Art Fair" that created a collaboration with internationally active designers/artists representing Japan, with the theme of developing unprecedented Kakejiku.
History of Kakejiku
Asuka period (592-710) in Japan - Kakejiku was initially for Buddhist paintings first, entered from China as tools to spread Buddhism, and were hung as objects of worship by monks and aristocrats. At that time, Kakejiku were not used for appreciation, but for "hanging and worshiping."
Muromachi period (1336-1573) - the Kakejiku hanging on the Japanese-style reception room "Tokonoma" in Samurai houses was no longer an object of worship, but came to be seen as art.
Edo period (1603-1868) - A changing culture fit more with Japanese style of enjoyment meant that hanging scrolls according to the four seasons was established, and Kakejiku spread not only among samurai houses but also among nobles and townspeople.
"While valuing the good old things, we actively incorporate even better things, and build a high-quality culture by skillfully combining the two."
Over 1,500 years of history, Kakejiku have changed flexibly according to changes in lifestyles and diversity.Kaitakudo Art Co.,Ltd., develop new Kakejiku that fit into modern life, and at the same time, in order to establish a firm position as an interior decoration, develop unprecedented promote and appeal to all around the world.